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Image / One the Lines near Atlanta

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One the Lines near Atlanta
[none noted]
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
The War Photograph & Exhibition Company
[none noted]
Los Angeles: Occidental College Library, 2008
Contributing Institution
Occidental College Library
Occidental College Stereographs
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
This is the "Potter House" on the Rebel lines near Atlanta. The sharpshooters of the enemy posted themselves in the upper room and on the roof of this house overlooking the Union lines, and thus greatly annoying our troops and killing many of our men during the battle of July 22, 1864. Finally a battery of light artillery was brought up, and quickly made the house untenable for sharpshooters or anyone else. 1861- Photographic History-1865 This series of pictures are ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHS taken during the wat of the Rebellion. More than a quarter of a century has passed away since the sun painted these real scenes of that great war, and the "negatives" (made by the old "wet plate" process) have undergone chemical changes which renders it slow and difficult work to get "prints" from them. Of course no more "negatives" can be made, as the scenes represented by this series of war views have passed away forever. The great value of these pictures is apparent. Some "negatives" are entirely past printing from, and all of them are very slow printers. A WORD AS TO PRICES A gentlemen living near Watkin's Glen, New York, wrote us that he though 30 cents each too high a price for the stereographic war views, as he could buy views of Watkin's Glen for $1.50 per dozen. We wrote him to this effect: "If there was but one negative of Watkin's Glen in existence, and if Watkin's Glen itself were entirely wiped off the face of the earth, and if this one negative was old and 'dense' and very slow to 'print' and if all the people of the country were as much interested in a view of Watkin's Glen as they are in seeing the real scenes of our great war, so faithfully reproduced, THEN, and ONLY UNDER SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES, should Watkin's Glen pictures be compared to photographs taken 'at the front' during the days of 1861 to 1865." The gentlemen "acknowledged the corn," took the war views he wished for, paid the reasonable price asked for them, and was satisfied. The above is the only answer we shall ever make to the question of PRICE. We deem it necessary to say this much, as many persons write and ask us for CHEAP war views; when we change the price of these war views, it will be to double it; they will never be any cheaper than now. They can be obtained only if the undersigned or our duly authoritized agents. If you wish for a catalogue of the war views, send a stamp and your address to Yours in F. C. and L., The War Photograph & Exhibition Company Sole Owners of the Original War Views No. 21 Linden Place, Hartford, Conn.
Medium shot of a white two-story, destructed house with its side blown out, in black and white. Bullet holes are on the sides of the house, and a fallen tree and plant debris are in the foreground.
In his book, Stereo Views, William Culp Darrah expresses the belief that thousands of the stereo views created complete pictures of the Civil War. He says that they "represent a fairly complete survey of the war, troops, battlefields, hospitals, camps, weapons, supplies, uniforms, dead, wounded, recruits, prisoners". (Darrah, Stereo Views: 68).
[none noted]
18 x 10 cm.
No. 6717
United States--History-Civil War--1861-1865
War damage
Potter House", Union Lines, Troops, war damage, destruction
Hartford, Conn.
Occidental College Library.

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