UC Merced
Collections at UC Merced
Angels Camp Museum
This collection contains multiple personal correspondences and other materials for the Inks family of Calaveras County between the years 1869 and 1889. Letters contain personal sentiment and hopes for the family, most notably James Inks and his close family. In 2010, UC Merced undergraduate student Kyle Shipley undertook a project to digitize and curate a small collection of items from the Angels Camp Museum for his "History 190: Applied Research" internship under Prof. Gregg Herken.
Institution: UC Merced, Library and Special Collections
50 Items
Clark Center for Japanese Art and Culture collection
The UC Merced Library received a National Leadership Grant for Museum and Library Collaboration in 2002 from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to digitize works from the Clark Center for Japanese Art and Culture (formerly known as the Ruth & Sherman Lee Institute for Japanese Art) in Hanford, CA. The collection includes Japanese screen and scroll paintings, sculptures, prints, ceramics, textiles, metalwork and woven bamboo art, with works dating from the tenth century to the present day. Areas of particular emphasis within the representative collection include Buddhist sculpture and painting, screens and scrolls of the Edo Period …
Institution: UC Merced, Library and Special Collections
891 Items
Don Pedro Project
The 168-megawatt Don Pedro Project located on the Tuolumne River, in the Sierra Nevada foothills and the eastern edge of California's Central Valley, provides water storage for the irrigation of over 200,000 acres of farmland, for municipal and industrial use, as well as for retail electric service, among other purposes. The Turlock Irrigation and Modesto Irrigation Districts applied to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for relicensing to authorize their continued operation and maintenance of the Don Pedro Project, FERC No. 2299. The objectives, methods, and results of a Native American Traditional Cultural Properties Study (CR-02), implemented by the Districts as …
Institution: UC Merced, Library and Special Collections
1 Item
Dunya Ramicova costume design collection
UC Merced faculty member Dunya Ramicova has designed costumes for hundreds of productions of theater, opera, film, and television both in the United States and abroad. This collection of drawings spans the entirety of her oeuvre, and stands as one of the few complete collections of costume designs by a single designer held by an academic institution.
Institution: UC Merced, Library and Special Collections
2,171 Items
Ernest Lowe Photography Collection
Ernest Lowe studied photography in the late 50's with the noted social documentarian, John Collier Jr. His other models were the classic images of Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, and other Farm Security Administration photographers. In 1959 Lowe joined the staff of Pacifica radio station KPFA and almost immediately began documenting the lives of migrant farm workers. The photographs in this collection document the lives and struggles of the farmworking communities in California's Central Valley.
Institution: UC Merced, Library and Special Collections
2,767 Items
Fresno County, UC Cooperative Extension Records
At the turn of the previous century, growing concern over the quality of life for rural Americans prompted President Theodore Roosevelt to appoint a Commission on Country Life in 1908. One of the direct outcomes of the Commission’s recommendations was the passage of the Smith-Lever Act in 1914, which established a national extension service to place the knowledge generated at land-grant universities into the hands of farmers and rural citizens. Beginning in 1913, the Agriculture Extension Service, later known as UC Cooperative Extension, placed farm advisors employed by the University of California in every county that formed a farm bureau …
Institution: UC Merced, UC Cooperative Extension Archive
2,899 Items
Henry O. Nightingale diaries
These are the diaries of British immigrant, abolitionist, and Civil War Veteran, Henry Oliver Nightingale. Of particular note is the firsthand account of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.
Institution: UC Merced, Library and Special Collections
3 Items
Humboldt and Del Norte Counties, UC Cooperative Extension Records
The University of California Cooperative Extension Records for Humboldt and Del Norte Counties span the years of 1914-2000. Records include reports and information on wildfire management, 1955 flood, 1964 flood, disaster response, farm management, soil and timber surveys, floriculture, and plant management. A large portion of the records are related to livestock and animal husbandry in Humboldt County, Del Norte County, the North Coast, and California and include trial reports and reference material on ranch water quality, pest control, grazing, cattle reproduction and management, horse breeding and management, and dairy management. This collection also includes reports and information on the …
Institution: UC Merced, UC Cooperative Extension Archive
3,296 Items
Madera County, UC Cooperative Extension Records
At the turn of the previous century, growing concern over the quality of life for rural Americans prompted President Theodore Roosevelt to appoint a Commission on Country Life in 1908. One of the direct outcomes of the Commission’s recommendations was the passage of the Smith-Lever Act in 1914, which established a national extension service to place the knowledge generated at land-grant universities into the hands of farmers and rural citizens. The Agricultural Extension Service formalized and built upon existing efforts of land-grant universities to enhance the knowledge of farmers and apply scientific discoveries for improved agricultural practices. Beginning in 1913, …
Institution: UC Merced, UC Cooperative Extension Archive
2,999 Items
Mariposa County, UC Cooperative Extension Records
Beginning in 1913, University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) farm advisors have been located in every county of the state and have helped to shape agricultural practices through their work with local farmers, and the development of their communities through programs such as 4-H. In the fall of 2016, under a memorandum of understanding with the University of California’s Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the UC Merced Library began to assess, inventory, process, and provide access to historical materials held in county Cooperative Extension offices. Records in the county offices document agricultural trials, animal husbandry, water management, fire management, …
Institution: UC Merced, UC Cooperative Extension Archive
1,745 Items