Keith-McHenry-Pond family papers
Owning Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library
About this Collection
Include papers of William Keith relating to his career as an artist; papers of his wife, Mary McHenry Keith, reflecting her participation in the woman suffrage movement and humanitarian activities; papers of her parents, Ellen and John McHenry; papers of her sister, Emma Pond, and her brother-in-law, Charles Fremont Pond, relating to his naval career, 1876-1918; papers of the Ponds' daughter, Elizabeth Keith Pond, relating primarily to her interest in William Keith and to her travels and her camping trips in the High Sierra. Included also are miscellaneous papers of other members of the family and correspondence of Brother Fidelis Cornelius relating to his biography, Keith, Old Master of California. View this collection on the contributor's website.View collection guide.
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