Cased photographs and related images from The Bancroft Library pictorial collections
Owning Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library
About this Collection
The Cased Photographs Project provides access to digital images and detailed descriptions of daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, and related photographs in the collections of The Bancroft Library and the California State Library. The main goals of this project were to preserve these exceedingly rare and significant pictorial documents, many of which date from the era of the California gold rush, as the first step in the creation of a comprehensive state-wide digital collection of cased photographs. The project was carried out in 1999-2000 with support from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. The result is two archival finding aids with linked digital images which are available as part of the Online Archive of California. View this collection on the contributor's website.View collection guide.
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