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Ritz (Rosalie) courtroom drawings

Owning Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library

About this Collection

COLLECTION RESTRICTED: See Information for Researchers for more information. Original courtroom art depicts many famous California trials of the late 1960's to early 1980's. These drawings were used to report on the trial in the media, as cameras were not allowed in court. Trials illustrated are: Alioto-Look (1970-1972), Leslie Bacon (1971), Bonanno brothers (1971), Camarillo State Hospital (1976), James Carr arraignment or trial (1972), Eldridge Cleaver (1976), Juan Corona (1971-1973, 1982), Angela Davis (1971-1972), Russell Little and Joseph Remiro (1974), John Linley Frazier (1971-1972), Inez Garcia (1977), Bill and Emily Harris (1975, 1978), Patricia Hearst (1975-1976), Hell's Angels (1971-1972), David Hilliard Trial (1968-1971), Alioto Conflict of Interest Trial (1976), Stephanie Kline (1972), Larry Layton (1981), Ruchell Magee (1970-1973), Sara Jane Moore (1975-1976), Huey Newton (1968, 1971), Daniel Ellsberg - Anthony Russo & the Pentagon Papers (1972), Presidio Court Marshall, Fort Ord Mutiny (1969), California Proposition hearings (1975) [unidentified ballot proposition, most likely California's Proposition 15, on nuclear waste storage], Los Siete de la Raza, (1970), San Quentin Six (1971-1976), Steven Soliah (1975), Sirhan Sirhan (1969), Billy Dean Smith (1972), Soledad Brothers (1971-1972), Bob Wells (1975), Dan White (1978), Wendy Yoshimura (1975-1977), and the Zebra murders (1975). View this collection on the contributor's website.
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