Rochman (Sue) Papers, 2005-13
Owning Institution: GLBT Historical Society
About this Collection
Sue Rochman is a freelance health journalist from the San Francisco Bay Area specializing in oncology and HIV. She is a contributing editor for Mamm, editor-at-large for HIVPlus, medical editor for and has been a regular contributor to the Advocate, Training & Conditioning, and numerous other publications. These files contain the research and notes of journalist Sue Rochman on HIV/AIDS and prison populations. Materials include correspondence from prisoners and prison activists, published articles, reports by government agencies and non-profit organizations, and handwritten notes from interviews, conversations, and readings. Most pertain to prisons in New York, California, Florida,Texas, Missouri, Louisiana, and Alabama and were created between 1988-1991. Collection number 2015-13. View collection guide.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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