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Wood (James Earl) Photograph Collection Relating to Filipinos in California, ca. 1929-1934

Owning Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library

About this Collection

This collection of 57 photographs and 5 post cards was taken or acquired by James Earl Wood ca. 1929-1934 as part of his research for his master's thesis. The library does not hold a copy of the thesis. The collection includes photographs of buildings in Susanville, California; Filipino laborers; Filipinos and buildings, probably in Sacramento, California; workers' camps, and some unidentified portraits and group photos. Also included are postcards of lumber operations of the Red River Lumber Company in Susanville and Westwood, California, and one postcard of a group baptism, dated May 1924, and taken at Zamboangita, The Philippines.... View collection guide.

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65 items found in this collection

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