Hall Family Papers and Sugar Plantation Records
Owning Institution: UC San Diego, Special Collections and Archives
About this Collection
Family papers and sugar plantation records of the Hall family of England and Jamaica, including William Hall (b.1696), Thomas Hall (1725-1772), Hugh Kirkpatrick Hall (b.1748?), and Thomas Kirkpatrick Hall (b.1776). The collection provides an abundance of primary source material on eighteenth and early nineteenth century Jamaican plantation economy and culture. The Hall family owned and operated the sugar plantations of Irwin Estate, Tryall Estate, Johnshall Estate, Hallhead Estate, and Kirkpatrick Hall Estate. They also owned Worcester, Williamsfield, Stapleton Pen, and Kirkpatrick Pen. The collection contains numerous documents related to record-keeping on the plantations, the administration of Jamaican Governor Charles Knowles (1752-1756) and the formation of the "Association" by leading planters and colonists. The family papers contain correspondence between family members, wills, certificates of military commission and genealogical memoranda. The collection was processed in two separate accessions, and microfilmed in 1999. View this collection on the contributor's website.View collection guide.
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