Otto Stern Photograph Collection
Owning Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library
About this Collection
The collection includes portraits and snapshots of Otto Stern from childhood and throughout his career, and group portraits and snapshots with physicist colleagues and friends. Groups at international meetings of physicists and Nobel laureates, chiefly in Europe, are the subjects of many of the views, as well as group portraits of Stern and classmates early in his academic career. Group portraits at the Rome conference on nuclear physics in 1931 are included. Colleagues pictured in the collection include: Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Wolfgang Pauli, E.O. Lawrence, Walther Gerlach, Peter Debye, Merle Tuve, Rudolf Ladenburg, Llewellyn H. Thomas, Alfred Landé, Maria Goeppert Mayer, Carl Runge, Gustav Hertz, Paul Ehrenfest, Robert A. Millikan, George Gamow, Paul Scherrer, Arnold Sommerfeld, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, and Lise Meitner, among others. Many of these colleagues are only pictured in small informal snapshots taken during conference gatherings. Several family portraits are present. View collection guide.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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