La scuola siciliana
About this Collection
Volume One: "Transcribed directly from the original manuscripts with seven original colour prints by Clemens-Tobias Lange. Letter-pressed in Nicolas Cochin Romain type. The paper is 100% cotton Acibuonaccorsi paper." -- Volume Two: "Italian critics' edition by Prof. d'A.S. Avalle (Accademia della Crusca) and Roberto Antonalli (Univerita di Roma "La Sapienza") with a translation into German by Tobias Eisermann and Christoph Hoch, 64 pages." -- description from Booklyn website. Colophon also credits Bruno Lill as a third German translator. Troubadour songs from 13th century Sicily in two volumes; the poets: Giacomo da Lentini, Guido delle Colonne, Rinaldo d'Aquino, Jacopo Mostacci, Pier della Vigna. In brushed aluminum box. Volume one bound in fire-oxygenated copper. Library's copy (#77) is signed by Clemens-Tobias Lange. Superfluous copy of folio with pages viii, ix, xv, and xvi of volume two is included. View this collection on the contributor's website.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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