Rancho San Pedro Photograph Collections
Owning Institution: California State University, Dominguez Hills, Archives and Special Collections
About this Collection
The Rancho San Pedro, located in the South Bay region of Los Angeles County, was one of the original Spanish land grants. This collection illustrates the history of the Rancho, along with that of the Dominguez family and its heirs, who owned the entire Rancho from 1784 through the middle of the twentieth century, and who continue to manage some of the land to the present day. The Dominguez family founded a number of companies to manage their interests on the Rancho San Pedro, including the Dominguez Estate Company, Carson Estate Company, Watson Land Company, Francis Land Company, Dominguez Water Corporation, and the Dominguez-Wilshire Corporation, among others. These family-run companies have been vital to the development of agricultural, oil, water and land management, and other industries in the South Bay region. The images in this collection include photographs, slides, maps, and legal documents. They show the Dominguez family and heirs, their homes, workers in the various industries, and important buildings. Most of the photos are set in and aroundSouth Bay cities such as Torrance, Compton, and Redondo Beach, among others. Additionally, a large number of photos show damage caused by some of the major floods and earthquakes that have hit the region. View this collection on the contributor's website.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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