José Antonio Villarreal Papers
Owning Institution: Santa Clara University
About this Collection
The José Antonio Villarreal Papers, 1950-2010 (bulk 1959-1984), document the personal and professional life of José Antonio Villarreal. Villarreal became well known for his book Pocho, which was first published in 1959 and is considered a landmark in Chicano literature.The bulk of the collection consists of drafts, original research materials, outlines, proofs and typescripts of Villarreal’s published books and an early manuscript and precursor to the book Pocho, entitled Our Little Life. Also included are articles, short stories, and poetry written by Villarreal, some of which were published in anthologies, magazines, and newspapers.
The correspondence series is comprised of a substantial amount of correspondence with editors at Doubleday & Company and literary agents at Paul R. Reynolds; personal and professional correspondence with family, friends, colleagues, and students; literary correspondence related to permissions, personal appearances, and publication; correspondence with numerous academic institutions; and letters describing his views on Chicano literature and the Chicano Movement. View this collection on the contributor's website.
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