Claremont Colleges Sustainability Archive
Owning Institution: Claremont Colleges Library
About this Collection
The archive contains materials related to the efforts at The Claremont Colleges to create a more sustainable campus, one that minimizes the colleges' impacts on resources and the environment. The creation of this collection was sparked by The Claremont Colleges Sustainability Initiative announced by The Claremont Colleges Council of Presidents in March 2007. Recognizing that many students, faculty, and staff were concerned about environmental sustainability, the Council of Presidents offered funding for a three-year pilot program in which teams of faculty, staff, and students could apply for grants. The funding would be used to implement projects that assess the colleges, assess environmental impacts, to recommend and implement measures to limit adverse environmental impacts, and evaluate the success of those measures.The documents related to the establishment of The Claremont Colleges Sustainability Initiative and the documents and datasets produced by the funded teams constitute the initial core of this collection. These documents include the call for proposals, the proposals, flyers from events, final reports, presentation slides, presentation videos, and photographs. In addition to these core materials, this collection serves and will continue to serve as a repository for other materials related to campus sustainability created by faculty, staff, and students of The Claremont Colleges. The founders of this collection hope that the collection will be useful for future community members as they continue efforts to improve campus sustainability and that it will also provide source material for those seeking to understand the historical development of sustainability initiatives at The Claremont Colleges. View this collection on the contributor's website.
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