Larry Oglesby Collection
Owning Institution: Claremont Colleges Library
About this Collection
The Larry Oglesby Collection consists of 35 mm color slides of flora and fauna taken by Professor Larry Oglesby, Professor Emeritus of Biology at Pomona College. Oglesby graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in Botany and a fascination with the natural world. He also earned a Master's Degree in Zoology from Florida State University and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. He taught Biology at Pomona College beginning in 1968.Taken in the field, the slides depict plants such as Sky Lupine or Field Mustard and animals such as the Pacific Pond Turtle and Killdeer. The photographs were taken primarily in California and Oregon but photographs of the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia and other locations may also be found. The most frequent subject of Oglesby's slides is the Bernard Field Station located in Claremont, California. The flora at the Field Station mostly consists of coastal sage scrub, Riversidian alluvial fan scrub, live oak forest, and grassland. In addition, an artificial lake with surrounding riparian woodland and several created vernal pools add to habitat diversity. Oglesby was an active supporter of the Field Station and used the resources at the site to enrich his classroom teaching and research. View this collection on the contributor's website.
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