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Paintings from the Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery

Owning Institution: Claremont Colleges Library

About this Collection

The Young Collection of paintings was given to Scripps College by General and Mrs. Edward Clinton Young in 1946. The majority of the works in the collection are in the Impressionist style and were painted by well-renowned American and European masters, including Mary Cassatt, George Inness, Winslow Homer, and Theodore Robinson. The Youngs developed their extraordinary collection while living in the eastern United States. Their goal was to include high quality, representative work by the best American painters active during the period 1870-1930.

Their decision to donate the painting collection to Scripps College was the result of several factors, including their friendship with Millard Sheets, then chair of the art department, and their admiration for Scripps' innovative humanities curriculum that emphasized the arts.

From the beginning of their discussions with the college, the Youngs were concerned that their paintings be made accessible to the public and particularly to students. In addition to being exhibited regularly on campus through the years, paintings from the Young collection have been included in exhibitions in a number of other museums from California to Japan. In addition, all 71 paintings are displayed online.
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