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R. E. Wood Collection

About this Collection

The R. E. Wood Photograph Collection (MSS 174) was donated to Meriam Library, Special Collections in 1991 by Thomas L. Rodgers - Mary Elizabeth Olmstead Wade Wood's great-great grandson. The collection consists of over 400 collodion wet-plate glass negatives and albumen POP photographic prints - many of these images are stereographs - taken during the 1870s and 1880s. The prints were mounted in a "scrapbook" ledger book along with newspaper clippings, advertisements, and articles about and by R. E. Wood. These images contain views of early Santa Cruz, Siskiyou, Placer, Napa, Sonoma, Glenn, Shasta, Lake, and Monterey counties, Lake Tahoe and vicinity, the cities of Bodie, Copper City, Santa Cruz, Capitola, Monterey, Pacific Grove, San Francisco, Sisson, Tahoe City, and Carmel Mission among others. View this collection on the contributor's website.
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