Pasadena Museum of History
Owning Institution: Pasadena Museum of History
About this Collection
PMH maintains the area’s largest and most comprehensive collection of documents and artifacts related to the history of Pasadena and the west San Gabriel valley. The ever-expanding collection spans the years 1834 to the present and contains historic photographs, rare books, manuscripts, maps, architectural records, and more. Significant collections include: the Fenyes-Curtin-Paloheimo Collections, the Pasadena Star-News Photo Collection, the Tournament of Roses Collection, the Pasadena Black History Collection, the J. Allen Hawkins Photo Collection, the Flag Photo Collection, the Sylvanus Marston Architectural Collection, the Giddings-Hollingsworth Family Collection, the Helen Lukens Gaut Photo Collection, and the Ernest A. Batchelder Tile Collection and Archives. The Museum’s collections also contain significant paintings, artifacts, and costumes and textiles relevant to the history of the area. View this collection on the contributor's website.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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