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Kastrouli Mycenaean Excavations, Greece 2016

About this Collection

Kastrouli (E375419.559, N4250792.352 meters), a small fortified site in the Phokis region of Central Greece (near the modern village of Desphina), was the focus of archaeological excavations in the summer of 2016 (July 20 – August 3). The project aimed to fully and systematically excavate an exposed tomb on the site’s surface and to section its surrounding fortification wall. This tomb was previously excavated in 2005, but this short project (lasting only a day or two) performed little excavation (more likely just cleaning) to evaluate the condition of the tomb which was previously looted as evidenced by its disturbed nature (Raptopoulos 2012: 1074). In 2016, these were the only excavations to date, and thus the site required further investigation into the contents and dating of the tombs. This collection includes files relevant to the 2016 excavations of the site Kastrouli such as artifact, photography, geospatial, and other data. View this collection on the contributor's website.

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