SIO Centennial Oral Histories
Owning Institution: UC San Diego, Special Collections and Archives
About this Collection
A collection of sound recordings and transcripts of interviews with six Scripps Institution of Oceanography scientists, conducted for the SIO Centennial Oral History Project. They have been digitized from the original audiocassettes and typescripts.The Centennial Oral History Project began in 1998 with funds provided by Wolfgang Berger, interim director of Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The purpose of this project was to undertake brief interviews with individuals important to the history of SIO in preparation for the Scripps centennial.
The interviews were conducted by UC San Diego sociology graduate student Christopher Henke, SIO oceanography graduate student Joellen Russell, journalist and diver Eric Hanauer, and SIO archivist Deborah Day. Interviewees included: Hugh Bradner, physicst and diver, interviewed by Eric Hanauer; Easter Ellen Cupp (and her friend, Dorothy Rosenbury), the first American woman to receive a doctorate in oceanography, interviewed by Joellen Russell; Hiomi Nakamura, chemist, interviewed by Deborah Day; Frances L. Parker, micropaleontologist, interviewed by Deborah Day; Joseph L. Reid, SIO professor, interviewed by Joellen Russell; and Fred N. Speiss, marine physicist and former Scripps director, interviewed by Christopher Henke.
Researchers may not cite, paraphrase, or quote from the sound recordings without the permission of the UC Regents; researchers may quote from the edited transcripts instead. View this collection on the contributor's website.
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