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Alexander A. Boddy (8)
Atheism: books (61)
Atheism: journals (76)
Atheism: theses (2)
Atheism: theses; Atheism: books (3)
Atheism: video (7)
Atheistic posters; Атеистические плакаты (605)
Beatrice S. Lott Nursing School information (19)
Biographical information (8)
Booklet (1)
Books (7)
Burton Folder (9)
Catalog snippet (1)
Center for African American Church History and Research, Dallas, Texas, USA (1,539)
Certificates and Proclamations (4)
Convention souvenir journals (140)
Convention/convocation programs (17)
Convocation souvenir books (10)
Convocation souvenir books / Women’s convention books (3)
Correspondence (124)
Correspondence 1960-2008 (7)
Correspondence 1991-2010 (1)
Correspondence 1994-2000 (7)
Correspondence 2010-2011 including NDAs (8)
Correspondence, 1947-1991 (5)
D.J. Young Heritage Foundation, Kansas City, Kansas, USA (78)
Documents (117)
Donald Gee Centre, Mattersey Hall, UK (395)
Dr. Mattie McGlothen Library and Museum, Richmond, California, USA (355)
DuPree Holiness and Pentecostal Center, Gainesville, Florida, USA (29)
Evangelical Theological Seminary, Osijek, Croatia (457)
Evangelist memorabilia/information (1)
Event program (1)
Fax transmission (1)
Financial reports (14)
Flyer (2)
Foreign Mission News (3)
Foreign Missions Receipts (5)
Foreign Missions’ Miscellaneous Information (21)
Foreign Mission’s Publications (8)
Fountain Trust Admin (6)
Fountain Trust Advisory Council (3)
Fountain Trust Box 1 (6)
Fountain Trust Box 12 (1)
Fountain Trust Box 2 (121)
Fountain Trust Box 3 (1)
Fountain Trust Box 4 (2)
Fountain Trust Photo Album (1)
Funeral programs (21)
General photographs (66)
General programs (60)
General publications (3)
Historical information memorabilia continued (1)
Hollenweger Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands (1,526)
Identified photos (3)
Installation program (3)
Installation programs (11)
International Outlook Magazine (9)
International Women’s information (16)
Journal notes (1)
Journals (48)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители христиан-баптистов в России (1907-1944) (30)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители христиан-баптистов в Росс����и (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители христиан-баптистов в Р����ссии (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители христиан-баптистов ���� России (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители христиан-баптисто���� в России (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители христиан-баптист����в в России (1907-1944) (2)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители христиан-баптис����ов в России (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители христиан-бапти����тов в России (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители христиан-бапт����стов в России (1907-1944) (3)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители хрис����иан-баптистов в России (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители хри����тиан-баптистов в России (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители х����истиан-баптистов в России (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представители ����ристиан-баптистов в России (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Представите����и христиан-баптистов в России (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Предст����вители христиан-баптистов в России (1907-1944) (1)
Leaders of the Christians-Baptists (CB) Movement in Russia (1907-1944); Пред����тавители христиан-баптистов в России (1907-1944) (1)
Leaflets on tongues, no. 1 (1)
Leaflets on tongues, no. 10 (1)
Leaflets on tongues, no. 11 (1)
Leaflets on tongues, no. 12 (1)
Leaflets on tongues, no. 3 (1)
Leaflets on tongues, no. 6 (1)
Leaflets on tongues, no. 9 (1)
Luncheon invitation (1)
Manuscript/publication (33)
Michael Kuzmic Research (364)
Mihael Kuzmic Photographs (93)
Miscellaneous (photocopied) articles (5)
Miscellaneous flyers/pamphlets/brochures (2)
Miscellaneous information (20)
Miscellaneous information/publications (3)
Miscellaneous memorabilia and miscellaneous information (1)
Miscellaneous memorabilia continued (1)
Miscellaneous newsletters/magazines mss (6)
Miscellaneous newspaper articles (9)
Miscellaneous papers (27)
Miscellaneous photos (355)
Miscellaneous prints (4)
Miscellaneous programs 1982-2009 (1)
Miscellaneous programs continued (4)
Miscellaneous programs/booklets 1959-2006 including NDA (13)
Miscellaneous publications/articles (1)
Miscellaneous souvenirs / miscellaneous publication (1)
National programs (6)
Notes (4)
Obituaries 1993-1996 (1)
Obituary 1991-1996 (4)
Obituary and biographical information (15)
Original notes (2)
Page NormalPhotos (4)
Pamphlets and flyers (22)
Pentecostal Theological Institute, Bucharest, Romania (649)
Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Archive (6,885)
Periodicals (268)
Photograph (5)
Photographs (22)
Photos (140)
Photos of the Christians of XBE (CFE) Pentecostal (7)
Photos of the Christians of XEB (CFE) Pentecostal (40)
Photos of the Evangelical Christians (EC) Movement (54)
Portion of a master's thesis (1)
Post-convention evaluation committee (5)
Program (2)
Programs (9)
Publication (2)
Publications and programs continued (3)
Reference material (7)
Sermon & lecture notes (24)
T.B. Barratt (15)
Testimony (6)
Texas Southwest financial reports, 1979-1985 (8)
The Advocate 2000-2007 (8)
The voice of missions (7)
The whole truth (67)
The whole truth (TWT) 1945 (6)
The whole truth (TWT) 1996-2000 mss (3)
The whole truth (TWT) 1997-2009 (1)
The whole truth (TWT) 1998 (1)
The whole truth (TWT) 2001-2002 mss (2)
The whole truth (TWT) 2003-2005 mss (4)
The whole truth (TWT) 2006-2008 mss (5)
The whole truth (TWT) 2009-2011 mss (1)
The whole truth (TWT) 2009-2012 mss (1)
The whole truth (TWT) nd (2)
The whole truth newspaper (TWTN) 1967-1974 (4)
The whole truth newspaper (TWTN) 1976-1978 (3)
The whole truth newspaper (TWTN) 1981-1984 (3)
The whole truth newspaper (TWTN) 1985-1988 (2)
The whole truth newspaper (TWTN) 1989-1991 (1)
The whole truth newspaper (TWTN) 1993 (1)
The whole truth newspaper (TWTN) 1995-1996 (1)
The whole truth xerographic copies 1911-1955 (4)
The whole truth xerographic copies 1955-1958 (8)
The whole truth xerographic copies 1958-1960 (7)
The whole truth xerographic copies 1961-1981 (8)
The whole truth xerographic copies 1985-1995 (1)
Times herald (1)
Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary, Kyiv, Ukraine (1,831)
Unidentified photos (1)
Wigglesworth Letters (2)
Women's day programs (87)
Women's programs (1)
Women’s International conference/convention (48)
Workshop program (1)
Xerographic copies (3)
Miscellaneous programs\/booklets 1959\-2006 including NDA (0)
Update Results