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Scripps O2 Program Data

About this Collection

This archive presents time-series measurements of atmospheric O2/N2 ratio and CO2 mole fraction from flask samples collected by the Scripps O2 program at twelve fixed land stations. Ten of these stations form an active network from nearly Pole to Pole along a Pacific transect. The earliest results in this network (from La Jolla) date from 1989. The remaining two stations are “legacy stations”, where flasks are no longer collected. Flasks are collected under atmospheric conditions designed to minimize the impact of any local process such as fuel burning that might impact atmospheric O2 or CO2. The sampling frequency is typically ~ 2 weeks.

The Scripps O2 program is operationally independent from the Scripps CO2 program in using different flasks and analysis systems. The CO2 records of these two programs are therefore substantially independent, even though the flasks for both programs are collected at many of the same stations.
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