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Stories from COVID-19

Owning Institution: Museum of Ventura County

About this Collection

As Ventura County residents react to new policies and recommendations aimed to restrict the virus’ spread, we wish to document and preserve the materials and stories that demonstrate how our county is continuing to communicate, work, commute, learn, teach, create, pray, celebrate, mourn, and give aid to others. Tell us your story or consider what objects or recordings best represent the experiences and observations that have stood out to you most. How are you and your family members spending your time? What do you regard as your biggest challenges? Was there a moment when you realized a historic event was taking place? The stories and materials we collect will allow all of us to study and share these experiences in the future. View this collection on the contributor's website.

View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.

Type of Item

7 items found in this collection

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