Historic Images
Owning Institution: Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
About this Collection
The Historic Images collection contains over 10,000 digitized prints, negatives and acetate documenting the history of the development of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Originally organized and identified by park employees Tim McLaughlin and Larry Norris in 1985, the images in the collection span from the early 1880’s through the late 1980’s. They broadly capture the construction and maintenance of park buildings and trails as well as the natural forces that caused destruction in the park such as heavy snows, fires, flood damage, and damage caused to buildings by fallen trees. The collection also reflects how individuals have interacted with the park including documentation of the early days of logging, the introduction of campsites, the work of the Civilian Conservation Corps, the beginning of automobiles and the construction of Generals Highway, ceremonies dedicating various sequoias, and portraits of park personnel and visitors dating back to the 1890’s when U.S. Calvary soldiers patrolled the recently protected forests. Lindley Eddy, who was the photographic concessionaire for Sequoia for 30 years, is responsible for a large collection of images documenting daily life at Sequoia. View this collection on the contributor's website.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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