Claremont Discourse Lectures
Owning Institution: Claremont Colleges Library
About this Collection
The Claremont Discourse Lecture Series was established in spring 1998. Its main function is as a forum for faculty at The Claremont Colleges to present current research, publications, and creative projects. In addition, an important purpose of the series is to highlight and foster the ties between the Library and faculty. The coordinators of Claremont Discourse try to present a wide variety of subjects from all disciplines, with an emphasis on the connections among subjects. With the lectures, the Library aims to attract non-specialized as well as specialized audiences. Attendance is open to anyone. True to the name of the series, we try to encourage dialog among audience members and speaker. The series presents 3-4 lectures per semester. Sometimes panel discussions are also presented. View this collection on the contributor's website.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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