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Japanese American World War II Incarceration

Owning Institution: Claremont Colleges Library

About this Collection

Building on its cornerstone collection of the Carey McWilliams Papers of the War Relocation Authority, Special Collections and Libraries (SCL) at The Claremont Colleges actively collects materials documenting the Japanese American Nikkei experience during World War II.

The collections represent approximately 26.3 linear feet of archival materials and cover an enormous range of subjects central to Japanese-American life before, during, and after World War II, including immigration, the California Alien Land Acts of 1913 and 1920, the War Relocation Authority (WRA), organizations supporting Japanese Americans, redress, sports, and the U.S. Army's 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Camps represented include Jerome, Gila River, Rohwer, Manzanar, Poston, Amache/Granada, Heart Mountain, and more. Among the archives are letters, photographs, camp publications, papers of camp administrators and counselors, certificates and other documents to prove citizenship, and school yearbooks.

Digitization of SCL materials for this project was begun through partnership with CSU Dominguez Hills under a grant from the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program (CCLPEP).
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