Indigenous Writers and Their Critics--Escritores indígenas y sus críticos
Owning Institution: UC San Diego, The UC San Diego Library
About this Collection
This collection brings together programmatic, descriptive textual materials and video-recorded proceedings of unique presentations (including readings and recitations of original literature and literary analysis) at the “Indigenous Writers and Their Critics” Symposium held at the University of California – San Diego on Feb. 24 and 25, 2020. The event convened indigenous authors and academics specializing in critical examination of such authors’ literary production, with the goals of profiling the importance of all participants’ work and creating a space for them to dialogue and collaborate at UCSD. Such conversations allow indigenous writers to critically intervene in academic discussions and thereby ensure that indigenous knowledge occupies a leading role in global discussions of the humanities and supports ongoing, critical opposition to the replication of North/South knowledge asymmetries. This event supplements the UCSD Library’s effort to build a collection of indigenous works by the participants and other authors. View this collection on the contributor's website.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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