Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) Surface Meteorological Observational Dataset
Owning Institution: UC San Diego, Research Data Curation Program
About this Collection
This is a data collection for the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) Surface Meteorological Observational Dataset.This collection currently includes observational data from six surface meteorological stations in the Lake Mendocino watershed in the upper Russian River watershed, four surface meteorological stations in the Yuba-Feather watersheds, and one in the Prado watershed. These stations measure temperature, relative humidity, pressure, precipitation, and soil moisture and temperature at six levels. Data are collected every two minutes. Data from each of the eleven sites is accessible from the collection item pages. Each item contains one zip file with the station's data and one README (.txt) with additional technical details. View this collection on the contributor's website.
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