Hugh Everett III Manuscripts
Owning Institution: UC Irvine, Libraries, Special Collections
About this Collection
American physicist Hugh Everett, III (1930-1982) first proposed the many-worlds interpretation (MWI) of quantum physics. These documents include scanned original documents, draft and final versions of Everett's long and short Ph.D. theses and the early notes that led to these published works, Everett's correspondence regarding his relative state formulation of pure wave mechanics, and miscellaneous biographical material discovered by investigative journalist Peter Byrne, Petaluma, CA in 2007 in the Los Angeles basement of Everett’s son, Mark Everett. The original documents were digitized with support from National Science Foundation Grant #0924135. The collection is edited by Jeffrey A. Barrett, Peter Byrne, and James O. Weatherall. Unless otherwise indicated, the original files were donated to the American Institute of Physics ( View collection guide.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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