Byron McAfee Papers, 1553-1964
Owning Institution: UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
About this Collection
Byron McAfee's research papers and original manuscripts from Mexico's colonial period. The research papers contain drafts of translations and essays by McAfee and his major collaborator, John Hubert Cornyn, on a variety of subjects including colonial codices, Spanish-Nahuatl dictionaries and vocabularies, and Nahua history and culture. The papers also include printed instructional and linguistic materials on Nahuatl, such as an 1887 Nahuatl grammar from Mexico; full transcriptions of important 16th century works by friars Bernardino de Sahagún, Alonso de Molina and Andres de Olmos; translations and linguistic studies of Nahuatl dramas; and material extracted from Mexican political and social movements related to Nahua studies. The manuscripts series of the collection consists of testaments, deeds, petitions, complaints, and contracts for the sale of land from the areas of Metepec, Azcapotzalco, Tlaxcala and Coyoacan, dating from 1553 to 1864. These manuscripts, chiefly in Nahuatl, document the everyday activities and property holdings of men and women under Spanish colonial rule. View this collection on the contributor's website.View collection guide.
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