Scott, (Geraldine Knight) Collection
Owning Institution: UC Berkeley, Environmental Design Archives
About this Collection
The Geraldine Knight Scott Collection documents Scott's architectural projects and professional activities through drawings, manuscripts and photographs. The collection includes biographical information written by Scott, education records, travel journals from several journeys to Europe, teaching records, correspondence relating to professional topics, oral histories and interviews given by Scott. Project records document projects designed by Scott from 1935-1987. The collection includes documentation of her work for the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island, the Daphne Funeral Home in San Francisco (1953), her work for the Oakland Museum (1963-1987), and her long range plan for the Blake Estate in Kensington (1968). The collection also includes many private gardens, exhibitions, professional parks, commercial and educational projects. View this collection on the contributor's website.View collection guide.
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