Data and Code from: 3D Reconstruction and Segmentation of Barely Visible Impact Damage in Composites from Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic C-Scans
Owning Institution: UC San Diego, Research Data Curation Program
About this Collection
This dataset is a set of processed pulse-echo ultrasonic C-scans of composite samples with barely visible impact damage. The samples have varying layups and impact energies and have been processed using an open-source MATLAB code developed as an alternative to commercial ultrasonic C-scan processing software. The data included are (1) raw data from the ultrasonic C-scan, in .csv file format in .zip folder, (2) the processed C-scan from a commercial software, Mistras/UTWin, in .png format, (3) output figures from the open source code, in .png format (specifically, time-of-flight map, damage layers map, inflection points map & mask, 3D reconstruction of damage state, and hybrid 3D reconstruction), (4) a static version of the open source MATLAB code, in a .zip folder, (5) all the outputs and figures produced by the code, in .mat and .png/.fig format in two separate .zip folders. View this collection on the contributor's website.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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