Data from: Observations of Surface Gravity Wave Spectra from Moving Platforms
Owning Institution: UC San Diego, Research Data Curation Program
About this Collection
Instrumented Boeing Liquid Robotics SV3 Wave Gliders collect ocean and atmospheric observations at the air-sea interface that span broad spatio-temporal scales in remote areas over long-duration deployments. This collection has wind and wave observations taken during two field campaigns: DELMAR2020 and SMODE2021. For DELMAR2020, observations from two Wave Gliders referred to as "Planck" and "Stokes" were collected off the coast of Del Mar, California during a 3-day deployment from 9 to 11 September 2020. For SMODE2021, observations from one Wave Glider referred to as "WHOI43", were taken off the coast of San Francisco, California from 29 October to 4 November 2021. The collection consists of .mat files with all data necessary to reproduce the figures in Colosi et al. (2023). The source code for generating figures is available in the following GitHub repository: and on Zenodo: For a detailed description of the file structure and each file's contents, refer to the Readme file. View this collection on the contributor's website.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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