Green New Deal at UC San Diego
Owning Institution: UC San Diego, Research Data Curation Program
About this Collection
The Green New Deal at UC San Diego is a grassroots climate justice organization formed in 2019 to promote climate solutions and climate action on campus. It succeeded in changing institutional policies on a number of important fronts, both at the San Diego divisional level and systemwide. Notable institutional transformations include a shift from 'carbon neutrality' to 'fossil free' as the goal of the UC climate protection policy; decarbonization planning on all ten campuses; and a climate education requirement at UC San Diego. This collection consists of primary source documents and other media related to these campaigns. It includes material from two subsidiary collectivities: the UC San Diego Committee on Campus Climate Change, a standing committee of the divisional Academic Senate, founded shortly after the GND with the same goals, and the UC Green New Deal Coalition, the ten-campus organization, founded by members of the GND to pursue the same agenda systemwide. The purpose of assembling these materials is to create a historical record of the success of a grassroots political movement addressing one of the most urgent issues of our time. View this collection on the contributor's website.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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