December 1973 Guardian Newspaper Tour of China
Owning Institution: UC San Diego, The UC San Diego Library
About this Collection
The December 1973 – January 1974 Guardian tour of China was a roughly 2-week visit for 22 Americans, organized by the Guardian Newspaper and tour company “Special Tours for Special People,” both New York City far-left organizations. The participants were mostly members of the “Guardian Sustainers” club, a premium subscription of sorts to the newspaper, although anyone who was interested and knew about it could apply, and the tours were openly advertised in the newspaper.Gene Guerrero participated in the tour and wrote the diary. He typed up the notes into a Word document from his three notebooks in 2017. After he came back from the trip, he became active in the U.S. - China People’s Friendship Association – leading two USCPFA trips to China. View this collection on the contributor's website.
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