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Andrew Hamilton Papers, 1940-1974

About this Collection

Andrew Jackson Hamilton was born on April 18, 1911 in Riverside, California; BA, UCLA, 1935; became a reporter and feature writer for two years with the Los Angeles times; U.S. Navy public information officer on the West Coast and in the Pacific on the staff of Admiral Chester W. Nimitz during World War II; public information manager (1946-60) and Public Affairs Officer (1960-75) UCLA; helped to organize Naval Reserve Public Relations Company 11-2 in 1949; wrote more than a thousand articles for some 75 magazines, including Saturday evening post, Collier's, and Science digest; co-authored UCLA on the move (1969) with John B. Jackson; along with his wife Janice, awarded the University Service Award in 1973; retired in 1975; died on April 8, 1976 in Los Angeles. View this collection on the contributor's website.
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