Bully Hill Mine photographs relating to the Lawrence May family, ca. 1870-1919
Owning Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library
About this Collection
The Bully Hill Mine Photographs collection--consisting of 77 loose prints, 1 album and various ephemera spanning circa 1870 to circa 1919--documents the Bully Hill Mine and Delamar community of Shasta County, California. In addition to photographs of the smelter facilities and other buildings and yards related to the operations of the Bully Hill Mine--primarily a copper mine--the collection includes photographs of the town of Delamar and surrounding lands, local railways, other mining facilities, the Pit River area and many unidentified waterways, the town of Shasta Soda Springs, and Yosemite Valley. A large portion of the collection features members of the May family and other Delamar inhabitants and Bully Hill Mine workers. Especially prominent in the photographs are Lawrence May, a Bully Hill Mine engineer, and his wife Florence Mesing May. Scenes of Picnics, swimming outings, horseback riding, and other leisure events and social gatherings, as well as several group portraits of community members, are also included.... View collection guide.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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