Cleary (Guire) and Jade B. Ngoc Le Collection of Hmong and Iu Mien Refugee Artifacts
Owning Institution: UC Irvine, Libraries, Southeast Asian Archive
About this Collection
This collection is comprised of 55 artifacts collected by Guire Cleary and Jade B. Ngoc Le from Southeast Asian refugees. Cleary is a Franciscan friar of the Episcopal Church who served as assistant director of the Tolstoy Foundation in San Francisco, California. Le is the former director of the United States Catholic Conference transit center in San Francisco. The artifacts in this collection are mostly Hmong or Iu Mien in origin and were left behind by refugees at the Travelodge Transit Center in San Francisco. During 1979-1983, San Francisco, California was the entry point for over 50,000 refugees each year who arrived in the United States from refugee camps in Asia. Other artifacts were collected in the San Francisco area. The artifacts include clothing, cooking materials, English language exercise books, and identification cards. View collection guide.View our statement on digital primary resources and historical description.
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