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Dr. Carl Duncan and Patricia Whiting Collection

About this Collection

Carl D. Duncan, a longtime professor of natural sciences at San Jose State College, mentored Patricia Carpio Whiting as she worked as a secretary in the Field Studies program from 1964 until his death in 1966. Inspired by an unusually close and warm friendship between student and mentor, Duncan supported Whiting’s mother and siblings with the gift of his home and the funding of their college tuitions with his estate. After her marriage to Vincent Whiting in 1968, she moved to Oregon and pursued a career in public office. She became the first Filipino woman elected to the Oregon State Legislature and served three terms from 1973 to 1978, focusing key legislation on environmental issues. Whiting remained involved with the community for all of her life until her death from cancer on June 23, 2010.

The Carl D. Duncan and Patricia Whiting Collection includes all the letters written between Carl Duncan and Patricia Whiting from 1964-1966, photographs documenting Patricia Whiting’s life and family, political ephemera related to Whiting’s political career in Oregon, and her poetry.
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