Collections in Calisphere
All of the items in Calisphere are organized into collections. Collections bring context to images, documents, videos, and audio recordings. Some collections represent a particular topic or format, some have items created by the same person, and some showcase an institution’s special project or initiative. Use the tabs below to explore the hundreds of collections in Calisphere.
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Aerosol Particle Chemical and Physical Measurements on the 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) Research Cruises
Comprehensive aerosol measurements were collected as a part of interdisciplinary North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine Ecosystem Study (NAAMES). The four NAAMES research cruises measured aerosol particle properties on the R/V Atlantis in the North Atlantic Ocean in 2015 (6 November to 1 December), 2016 (11 May to 5 June), 2017 (30 August to 24 September), and 2018 (20 March to 13 April). The particle mass concentration, size distribution, and chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols were measured during both cruises. Ambient air containing marine aerosols up to several micrometers was sampled using a common inlet about 18 m above sea level. …
Institution: UC San Diego, Research Data Curation Program
4 Items
African - Americans on the Central Coast
This collection focuses on those members of the Central Coast community who are of African-American heritage. The photos in the exhibit were collected by the members of the Black Gold Cooperative Library System Advisory Board. The African-American citizens in the various jurisdictions in the Black Gold region selected the photos each wanted to contribute to the exhibit. The choices were personal and varied.
Institution: Black Gold Cooperative Library System
139 Items
African American Living Legends Series Program Archive
This online archive contains photos and videos from the 29-year history of the County of Los Angeles Public Library's African-American Living Legends Series. This event, held annually at A C Bilbrew Library beginning in 1980, honored leaders and visionaries of the African American community.
Institution: LA County Library
131 Items
African Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1963-1974
This collection of photographs of African Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area consists almost entirely of press photographs collected by James Abajian. Many of the photographs have captions provided by the press photographer or news agency. Photographers include Peter Breinig, Greg Peterson, Joe Rosenthal, Bill Young, Bob Hirschfield, David Randolph, Jerry Telfer, Art Frisch, Ken McLaughlin, and a few others. For a breakdown of subjects, see the series descriptions....
Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library
140 Items
Agricultural Laborers in California, circa 1906-1911 - Photographs
Collection shows laborers from various ethnic groups (Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Italian, "Hindu") working in the following locations: Sacramento (including Japantown), San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Los Angeles, Gilroy, and Merced. Photos show laborers in the fields, but also focus on their businesses, ranches, living conditions (including interiors of houses), street scenes, and children.
Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library
100 Items
Ahmanson-Murphy Aldine and Early Italian Collection
The UCLA Library has a robust collection of Aldine press imprints. The collection, numbering approximately 1500 titles, includes the imprints of the press of the Venetian scholar-printer Aldo Manuzio (1449 or 1450-1515), his son Paolo Manuzio (1512-1574), his grandson Aldo Manuzio the Younger (1547-1597), as well as those of associates and imitators. Our digital collection includes one exemplar. For more information, see
Institution: UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
1 Item
AIDS History Project Ephemera Collection
Selections from the AIDS History Project Ephemera Collection, including posters and pamphlets related to the medical and/or social aspects of AIDS and HIV, with a focus on prevention and on addressing misconceptions about the virus and disease. Call number: MSS 2000-31
Institution: UC San Francisco, Library, Special Collections
72 Items
AIDS Legal Referral Panel Files
The AIDS Legal Referral Panel (ALRP) provides access to free and low-cost legal services for people with HIV or an HIV-related legal problem. The panel also promotes the rights of people with HIV through its Public Policy Program. Files produced by the AIDS Legal Referral Panel including annual reports for the years 1987-1991, and subject files containing correspondence, notes, and reports. MSS 96-01.
Institution: UC San Francisco, Library, Special Collections
8 Items
AIDS Legal Referral Panel Records, 2000-46
Records of the AIDS Legal Referral Panel, an organization that connects people with AIDS (PWA) and volunteer lawyers willing to donate time and expertise in order to assist them. It has been a significant resource for PWA's since its inception. Also Included in this collection is materials from the Women's AIDS Network. The AIDS Legal Referral Panel was founded in 1983 by attorneys Frederick Hertz, Steven Richter, Mark Senick, and Gary James Wood. It was originally a committee of the LGBT organization Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom (BALIF). Hertz, Richter, Senick, and Wood understood that many gay men in …
Institution: GLBT Historical Society
66 Items
AIDS Posters Collection
AIDS posters from 44 countries. Demonstrates the efforts taken by various countries to promote AIDS awareness and modify risk behaviors. The physical collection was originally acquired by the History and Special Collections division of the Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library in 2005, and has been expanded through later acquisitions.
Institution: UCLA, Library Special Collections, Medicine and Science
1,438 Items