Collections in Calisphere
All of the items in Calisphere are organized into collections. Collections bring context to images, documents, videos, and audio recordings. Some collections represent a particular topic or format, some have items created by the same person, and some showcase an institution’s special project or initiative. Use the tabs below to explore the hundreds of collections in Calisphere.
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Latin American Political Campaign Ephemera Collection
Pamphlets, posters, and other campaign literature issued primarily by political parties in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Chile, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.
Institution: UC San Diego, Special Collections and Archives
720 Items
Latina(o) Cultural Heritage Archives
A database featuring photographs and documents assembled from twelve collections of the Urban Archives of the CSUN University Library Special Collections and Archives. Funded as part of the Hispanics-Serving Institutions Grant of the State of California, these materials capture the history of Latino and Chicana/o people and culture in Southern California. These collections feature the arts, labor and immigration as important parts of the historical fabric of this community.
Institution: California State University, Northridge
271 Items
Laumann Yosemite Collection
The Laumann Yosemite Collection consists of photographic prints and glass plate negatives of two of the Laumann family's visits to Yosemite National Park and the Sierra, the first in circa 1908 and the second in 1923. Photographs taken by Frank E. Laumann include familiar landmarks such as El Capitan, Mirror Lake, Vernal Falls, Half Dome and Hetch Hetchy as well as Laumann family and friends.
Institution: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
41 Items
Laval (Claude C. "Pop") Photographs
Photographs from the Pop Laval Collection in cooperation with the Pop Laval Foundation
Institution: Fresno County Public Library
1,194 Items
Lavenson (Alma) California Gold Rush Mining Towns, 1930-1968
The California Gold Rush Mining Towns collection contains 373 photographs taken between 1930 and 1968 by Alma Lavenson. The collection consists of views of several of the towns and camps of the Mother Lode region --the area located roughly between Georgetown and Mariposa --which was heavily mined for its great quantities of gold-bearing quartz. Approximately 60 communities which originally developed during the Gold Rush period following 1848 are represented in the collection. Many of these communities were apparently nearly-abandoned by the time of Lavenson's visits. The towns range from more well-known areas such as Nevada City, Grass Valley, Columbia, North …
Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library
367 Items
Lawrence & Houseworth Photography Albums: California Views
The Lawrence & Houseworth albums contain photographic prints published in the 1860s that document the many aspects of gold, silver (Comstock Lode), and quicksilver mining; the building of the Sutro Tunnel; the growth of northern California industries; mining towns including Columbia, Volcano, Brown's Flat, French Corral, and Birchville; cities such as San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Stockton, and Sacramento; churches and schools; the development of transportation including covered wagons, shipping and the construction of the Central Pacific Railroad; railroad cars; portraits of Native Americans; and some of the state's natural wonders including the Sierra Nevada, Yosemite Valley, Lake …
Institution: Society of California Pioneers
1,495 Items
Lawrence and Houseworth photograph collection
Lawrence and Houseworth were one of the main publishers of stereoviews on the West coast around the 1860s. They sold views primarily of California and Nevada, and the majority of their photographs are of nature scenes, and the wonders of California's redwoods, geysers, lakes and mountains. The collection consists of stereographs and cartes de visite published by opticians Lawrence and Houseworth of San Francisco between 1860 and 1870, with the bulk of images produced between 1863 and 1866. Most of the photographs were likely taken by Charles Leander Weed. The images primarily document California and Nevada, and include photographs of …
Institution: California Historical Society Collection at Stanford
80 Items
Lawrence Clark Powell Papers, 1914-2001
Lawrence Clark Powell (1906-2001) joined the UCLA Library staff in 1938, became a UCLA Librarian (1944-61), director of the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (1944-66), and the first Dean of the UCLA School of Library Service (1960). A prolific author, Powell's writings include books and articles on a variety of topics including literature, librarianship, the book trade, the history of California and the American Southwest, and travel. The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, galley proofs, photographs, tape recordings, books, and printed materials by and about Lawrence Clark Powell. The digital collection contains photo-portraits of Lawrence Clark Powell from the 1940s …
Institution: UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
5 Items
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Open Data Initiative
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Data Science Institute shares some of LLNL’s challenging and unique data sets with the larger data science community through its Open Data Initiative. This initiative provides data ranging in complexity from dense, featureful, labeled data sets with well understood solutions to those that are sparse, noisy, and largely unexplored. These data sets can be used to test novel hardware solutions for scalable machine learning platforms. The collection will be developed over time with data from a variety of key LLNL mission areas.
Institution: UC San Diego, Research Data Curation Program
14 Items
Le (Van) Files on Southeast Asian Refugees
This collection is comprised of publications and other printed ephemera on Southeast Asian refugees in California and the United States that were accumulated during the course of his work by Van Le, a consultant in bilingual resources at the California State Department of Education. The materials are in English, Vietnamese, and Cambodian. The focus of the collection is on English language learning and Southeast Asian culture. The collection includes educational materials that were distributed to public schools and were used to teach newly resettled refugees.
Institution: UC Irvine, Libraries, Southeast Asian Archive
3 Items