Collections in Calisphere
All of the items in Calisphere are organized into collections. Collections bring context to images, documents, videos, and audio recordings. Some collections represent a particular topic or format, some have items created by the same person, and some showcase an institution’s special project or initiative. Use the tabs below to explore the hundreds of collections in Calisphere.
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MacHarg (Janet) Papers, 2003-41
Janet “Janny” MacHarg was a political songwriter, cabaret performer, writer, and feminist activist, known as the “Tallulah Bankhead of San Francisco.” Contents include photographs, sheet music, writings, publications, correspondence, drawings, notes, audio cassette tapes, costumes, and other ephemera.
Institution: GLBT Historical Society
29 Items
Mackay (Zelda) Collection of Stereographic Views, ca. 1860-ca. 1900
The Zelda Mackay Collection of Stereographic Views contains 733 mounted stereographic prints produced from circa 1860 to circa 1900. The general subject matter of the collection is the North American West from Alaska to Mexico (excluding Canada) and Colorado to California. Included among the many California locations are San Francisco, Yosemite Valley, and Los Angeles, as well as various areas along the lines of the Central Pacific Railroad. (For a more complete listing of areas and subjects pictured in the collection, see the location outline below.)...
Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library
776 Items
Madera County, UC Cooperative Extension Records
At the turn of the previous century, growing concern over the quality of life for rural Americans prompted President Theodore Roosevelt to appoint a Commission on Country Life in 1908. One of the direct outcomes of the Commission’s recommendations was the passage of the Smith-Lever Act in 1914, which established a national extension service to place the knowledge generated at land-grant universities into the hands of farmers and rural citizens. The Agricultural Extension Service formalized and built upon existing efforts of land-grant universities to enhance the knowledge of farmers and apply scientific discoveries for improved agricultural practices. Beginning in 1913, …
Institution: UC Merced, UC Cooperative Extension Archive
2,999 Items
Magic Theatre Records, 1967-1990
The Magic Theatre records contain the administrative, production, financial, and publicity records of a theatre company that grew from a handful of graduate students to a well respected company known for its support of new theatrical works. The collection, which spans the period of John Lion's tenure as Artistic Director and General Director, includes corresondence, bylaws, manuscripts of writings and speeches, programs, posters, financial statements, and clippings. Includes documents relating to the relationship between the Magic Theatre and Sam Shepard, who followed Michael McClure as an important playwright for the company.
Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library
1 Item
Malarin Family Album
Album includes portraits of Malarin family members or relations or friends, including members of the David Spence family, as well as sitters with surnames Arguello, Pacheco, Abrego, Estrada, Fatjo, Somavia, and others.
Institution: UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library
57 Items
Mantle Hood Papers
Mantle Hood (1918-2005), an ethnomusicologist and educator, made enormous contributions to the study of ethnomusicology in the United States. After completing undergraduate and graduate study in music at UCLA, Hood taught from 1954-1975. In 1960, he founded the Institute of Ethnomusicology, the precursor to UCLA's Department of Ethnomusicology. In 1960, he published one of his major theoretical contributions to the field on "bi-musicality," arguing that ethnomusicologists' practice requires the ability to play the music that they study. While considered controversial when published, it is now an established part of the discipline. He was a leading figure in research on Javanese …
Institution: UCLA, Ethnomusicology Archive
218 Items
Manuscript Collection
Selected literary and historical manuscripts from special collections. It currently includes letters by notable literary figures like E.M. Forster, Sherwood Anderson, etc. It also features an autograph by Saint Ignatius of Loyola from the 16th century.
Institution: University of San Francisco
80 Items
A selection from the Huntington’s millions of manuscript items on a range of topics related to the history and culture of America and the British Isles, as well as the history of science, medicine, and technology, dating from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.
Institution: Huntington Library
4,044 Items
Manzanar Collection
Materials relating to the forced relocation to Manzanar, California, of Miriko Nagahama and Honey Mitsuye Toda, including correspondence, photographs, and newspapers, donated in 1981 and 1995.
Institution: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
33 Items
Manzanar War Relocation Center records
The Manzanar War Relocation Center was located in the Owens Valley in Central California. The United States Army initially established the camp as the Owens Valley Reception Center under the management of the Wartime Civil Control Administration (WCCA), March-May 1942. On June 1, 1942, Manzanar was reconstituted as a War Relocation Authority (WRA) center. Its peak population was 10,121, and the majority of its internees came from pre-World War II Japanese American communities in the Los Angeles basin. The collection consists of files collected and maintained by Ralph Palmer Merritt (Director of the Japanese Relocation Center at Manzanar, California) including …
Institution: UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
354 Items