UCLA Library Special Collections, University Archives
Library Special Collections, University Archives
- Location: Los Angeles, CA
- Phone: 310-825-4988
- Email: AskLSC@library.ucla.edu
- Website: https://www.library.ucla.edu/visit/locations/library-special-collections/
The mission of the UCLA University Archives is to identify, collect, arrange, describe, preserve, and provide access to official university records in all formats, including electronic, that document the history of administrative offices and departments, academic departments and programs, related organizations, and activities of faculty, staff, students, and alumni.
Collections at this institution
Loyalty Oath Controversy Collection
Documents regarding the Loyalty Oath Controversy, including a history of the collection, excerpts from Regent's meetings, University related publications, and newspaper clippings.
Institution: UCLA, Library Special Collections, University Archives
100 Items
Thelner and Louise Hoover Photographic Collection
The images in the collection range from the State Normal School in 1925 through 1982. Thelner documented the history of UCLA beginning with the Vermont Avenue Campus in 1927; the Westwood campus groundbreaking ceremony in 1927; photographs of book illustrations of the Italian buildings which inspired the architecture of Royce Hall and the Powell Library building; the construction of Royce Hall, the Powell Library building and Kinsey Hall (the Physics building); the UCLA Band in 1928; models of the earliest buildings, Chemistry, Haines, Moore and others; and the moving days to the Westwood campus. There are only portions or strips …
Institution: UCLA, Library Special Collections, University Archives
310 Items