Museum of Ventura County
Museum of Ventura County
- Location: Ventura, CA
- Phone: (805) 653-0323, ext 320
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Collections at this institution
The 19th: Votes for Women Community Stories About Voting
The Museum of Ventura County is working to create an exhibit about Ventura County and the suffrage movement. To create this exhibit, we’d like to hear from you. What is your first or most vivid memory of voting? Why do you vote? Do you think voting is important? Share your stories, thoughts, “I voted” stickers, or family voting recollections with the museum. Have pictures? We want those too! Share your family photos and stories as well, featuring voting or suffrage protest.
Institution: Museum of Ventura County
17 Items
2020 Ventura County Protests
2020 protests in Ventura County, California.
Institution: Museum of Ventura County
30 Items
Brewster Photography
This collection represents photographs by John Calvin Brewster, first Ventura County resident photographer during 1874–1909. This collection is not inclusive of all Brewster photographs in the Research Library and Archive's collection, as more images continue to be added here as they are digitized from the prints in the collection. The Glass Plate Negatives Collection also includes many Brewster images.
Institution: Museum of Ventura County
345 Items
General Collection
Images in this collection represent various people, places, and subjects pertaining to Ventura County.
Institution: Museum of Ventura County
4,161 Items
Glass Plate Negatives
Glass plate negatives with images of Ventura County
Institution: Museum of Ventura County
547 Items
Collection of digitized maps mainly of Ventura County, California.
Institution: Museum of Ventura County
130 Items
Martin and Associates
This collection includes engineering and architectural drawings, maps, and other planning documents created by the Robert Martin and Associates civil engineering firm. Martin and Associates was at one time the largest such firm in Ventura County, and the collection represents 89 years of the County's built history of residential, commercial, and governmental areas. Funding: Digitization funded in part by a National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) Access to Historical Records Grant (RH-103424) awarded to the Museum of Ventura County. Funding also provided by the County of Ventura and private donors.
Institution: Museum of Ventura County
1,057 Items
36 Items
Port of Hueneme, Oxnard Harbor District
Photos gathered for a slide presentation for the Port of Hueneme, Oxnard Harbor District President's Dinner at the Museum of Ventura County on November 21, 2019.
Institution: Museum of Ventura County
29 Items