LA County Library
LA County Library
- Location: Downey, CA
- Phone: 562-940-8458
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LA County Library Digital Collections contain images, documents, and audiovisual materials that document the history and culture of Los Angeles County. The Library digitizes rare and unique materials from its own collections, partners with other county departments to provide access to county materials of historical interest, and collaborates with the communities it serves to create local history materials that reflect the historical experiences of Los Angeles County residents.
Collections at this institution
African American Living Legends Series Program Archive
This online archive contains photos and videos from the 29-year history of the County of Los Angeles Public Library's African-American Living Legends Series. This event, held annually at A C Bilbrew Library beginning in 1980, honored leaders and visionaries of the African American community.
Institution: LA County Library
131 Items
Antelope Valley Rural Museum Collection
The Antelope Valley Rural Museum Collection is a collaboration between the Antelope Valley Rural Museum and LA County Library. Museum and community members contributed historical images of the Antelope Valley and surrounding area to the collection.
Institution: LA County Library
43 Items
California Revealed from LA County Library
California Revealed is a State Library initiative to help California’s public libraries, in partnership with other local heritage groups, digitize, preserve, and provide online access to archival materials - books, newspapers, photographs, audiovisual recordings, and more - that tell the incredible stories of the Golden State. We also provide free access and preservation services for existing digital collections for partner organizations with in-house digitization programs. California Revealed is supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.
Institution: LA County Library
360 Items
Catalina PhotoShare
Catalina PhotoShare, an online community history project of the County of Los Angeles Public Library, is collecting photographs that capture the community's rich history.
Institution: LA County Library
334 Items
County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation Photo Collection
The County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation’s History Archive consists of photographs that have been created and collected since the inception of County park facilities. Earliest images in the collection date to 1927 and many document the construction of our park and golf course facilities.
Institution: LA County Library
1,539 Items
County of Los Angeles Public Library History
The County of Los Angeles Public Library History Collection features photographs and documents related to the 100 year history of our many community libraries.
Institution: LA County Library
359 Items
Foto East LA
Foto East LA, a community history project of the County of Los Angeles Public Library, is an online collection of images depicting the history of one of the nation’s most culturally rich communities. From everyday events to extraordinary moments, we’re gathering historical images taken by locals who have experienced East LA firsthand.
Institution: LA County Library
213 Items
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency
The American Indian Resources Center’s letters collection are letters from federal and state government officials and private citizens in California to the Office of Indian Affairs in Washington, D.C., on issues relating to California Indians immediately before and during the first 30 years of California's statehood. The letters’ purpose was to keep the Office informed as to the status and developments in the governance of Indian affairs in California. The American Indian Resource Center (AIRC) was established in 1979 to meet the informational, cultural and educational needs of Native Americans in Los Angeles County and to make information about them …
Institution: LA County Library
557 Items
Topanga Digital History
The Topanga Digital History is a community based history project of the County of Los Angeles Public Library that aims to preserve and explore the history of Topanga by sharing the personal stories of those that shaped it.
Institution: LA County Library
95 Items
Whittier Unincorporated Heritage Project
The Whittier Unincorporated Heritage Project Digital Collection is a result of the collaboration between the Public Library, the Los Angeles County CEO's Office of Unincorporated Area Services, and the Fourth District. The images in the collection were provided by community residents over the course of two months in the summer of 2016 and represent the rich culture and history of Unincorporated Whittier.
Institution: LA County Library
324 Items