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California State University, Sacramento Library

California State University, Sacramento Library

The Library's Department of Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA) serves as the principal location for the historical research collections at California State University, Sacramento. The primary strengths of the collection are post-World War II political, social, and environmental history of the Sacramento region and the history of the California State University, Sacramento, since its founding in 1947. The Department's holdings include printed books, manuscripts, and university archives. Subject collections are comprised of both published and unpublished sources and include the Japanese American Archival Collection (JAAC), the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection of rare books and manuscripts, and the Magnus Hirschfeld Collection of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transexual History. The department holdings include formats such as oral history transcripts, photographs, posters, broadsides, audiovisual materials, microforms, prints, paintings and other ephemera.

Collections at this institution