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Image / Sullivan, Kelly & Company Storefront

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Sullivan, Kelly & Company Storefront
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Sacramento Public Library
Sacramento Room Photographs
Rights Information
copyright unknown
This image may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17 U.S.C.). Copyright restrictions applying to the reproduction and use of this image are available from the Sacramento Public Library.
A photograph of the building which housed the Sacramento location of Sullivan, Kelly & Company, a store which supplied building and maintenance materials under the ownership of James R. Kelly and C.D. Sullivan (O'Sullivan in some sources). Originally from San Francisco, they did business in Sacramento as early as 1877, when they won a contract supplying paint lead for the state capitol building and throughout the next few years continued to sell their wares in Sacramento. By 1888, the address on Second Street housed Sullivan, Kelly & Co.'s business Acme Rubber Paint. Two years later, a fire severely damaged the building, destroying its entire inventory. A year after that, the warehouse they rented to house their new stock burned, despite that setback, the firm was among the businesses listed as providing decoration for the city during a visit from President Benjamin Harrison in April of that year. By March of 1892, the building depicted in this photograph was open for business, but the business' habit of catching fire created problems for their neighbors, who objected to their storage of kerosene to the Sacramento Board of City Trustees. The Board of City Trustees referred the matter to the fire department, which recommended granting the business license to store kerosene. The controversy continued despite the fire department's recommendation. In 1906, the state listed the company among others delinquent in tax payments and by 1915 the building housed a saloon. The site is currently a parking garage under Interstate 5.
Architecture, Historic
Business Enterprises
Glass and Window Stores
Hardware Stores
Paint Industry
Street Scenes

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