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Image / Sebastopol Grammar School 8th Grade class of 1929

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Sebastopol Grammar School 8th Grade class of 1929
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Sonoma County Library
Western Sonoma County Historical Society Collection
Rights Information
Neither the Western Sonoma County Historical Society nor the Sonoma County Library make any assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to digitized images and can claim only physical ownership of the image(s) described in this records. However, these images are intended for Personal or Research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Library. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. Preferred credit line is: Courtesy, the Western Sonoma County Historical Society. Please contact the Society regarding additional reproduction and reuse information at:
Photo--black and white: Sebastopol Grammar School 8th Grade class of 1929. It was located on Bodega Avenue where Parkside School is currently situated (7450 Bodega Avenue) and was condemned in 1959. Student names are handwritten on back. Students are: Avalar, Joe Berdick, Chester Brakes, Wesley Carter, Albert Collins, Laraine Deater, Elbern Devara, Donald Doty, Everett Down, Dorothie Downer, Lawrence Flinn, Pagey Foster, Gilbert Fowler, Jerettia Frasher, Marvin Fredricks, Bruce Fung, Linda Harlow, Adury Harrion, Ed Hickson, Frances Jones, Dorothy Kingwell, Ben Locey, George Lunchford, Albert Meeker, Paul Moore, Lewis Moore, Murice Osborn, Alvin Osborn, David Oxloation, Kansas Pogie, Hellen Powell, Murl Procer, Audra Rider, Annie Rower, Chester Sauder, Laurine Sharp, Lester Shelly, John Siemsen, Avis Spillire, Raymond Stockberger, George Sutherlin, Marry Swift, Bessie Talbet, Leroy Valentine, Rudy
black-and-white photographs
Education and Culture
Sauder, Laurine
Harlow, Adury
Fowler, Jerettia
Hickson, Frances
Spillire, Raymond
Powell, Merle
Sharp, Lester E
Flinn, Pagey
Procer, Audra
Siemsen, Avis
Collins, Laraine
Locey, George
Downer, Lawrence
Osborn, David
Meeker, Paul
Frasher, Marvin
Devara, Donald
Avalar, Joe
Fredricks, Bruce
Sutherlin, Marry
Oxloation, Kansas
Rower, Chester
Osborn, Alvin
Shelly, John
Carter, Albert
Brakes, Wesley
Kingwell, Ben
Down, Dorothie
Jones, Dorothy
Swift, Bessie
Pogie, Hellen
Fung, Linda
Valentine, Rudy
Rider, Annie
Stockberger, George
Harrion, Ed
Lunchford, Albert
Moore, Lewis
Deater, Elbern
Berdick, Chester
Talbet, Leroy
Doty, Everett
Foster, Gilbert
Moore, Murice
Sebastopol Grammar School (Sebastopol, Calif.)--Students
United States
Bodega Avenue
7450 Bodega Avenue, Sebastopol, California
Western Sonoma County Historical Society Collection

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