Title supplied by cataloger.; Photograph was edited for publication purposes. Photograph caption dated May 16, 1939 reads, "When golfers, officials and fair scorers gather at the Rancho Golf Club Sunday afternoon, May 21, for the P.G.A.-amateur team matches the 'Spanish influence' will be felt, as the girls will be garbed as sen~oritas--more or less-with wide brimmed sombreros, etc. Here a group of players, scorers and officials is shown getting in the mood for the big day. Left to right: Charley Lacey, one of the best of the professionals; Ruby Keeler (Mrs. Al Jolson), a scorer; A. La Verne Nichols, a tournament official; Audrey Powell, a fair scorer; Neil Whitney, one of the best of the amateurs; C. Pardee Erdman, president of the Southern California Golf Association; Ruth Elder (Mrs. A. A. Gillespie), a scorer; Fred O'Dannon, a tournament official, and Mrs. Stan Kertes, a scorer. All tournament receipts will go forward financing the trip east of the Los Angeles Public Links team."
1 photographic print :b&w ;21 x 26 cm. Photographic prints
Keeler, Ruby Southern California Golf Association--Presidents Sombreros Golf--Tournaments--California--Los Angeles Golf courses--California--Los Angeles Golfers--United States Women golfers--United States Actresses--United States Lawns--California--Los Angeles Women--California--Los Angeles Men--California--Los Angeles Rancho Park Golf Course (Los Angeles, Calif.) Rancho Park (Los Angeles, Calif.) Cheviot Hills (Los Angeles, Calif.) Group portraits Portrait photographs Los Angeles Evening Herald and Express photographs Herald-Examiner Collection photographs
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