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Image / Fire department

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Fire department
United States. Army. Signal Corps (photographer) (Creator)
Flaherty, John Melvin (collector) (Contributor)
Contributing Institution
San José State University, Special Collections and Archives
Flaherty Collection - Japanese Internment Records
Rights Information
For more information on copyright or permissions for this image, please contact San Jose State University Special Collections & Archives Department.
Photograph shows a unit of the Tanforan Assembly Center Fire Department, staffed by two Caucasian firemen and a group of evacuees.
Fire department,Flaherty Collection: Japanese Internment Records, MSS-2006-02, San Jose State University, Special Collections & Archives.
Caption on album page: "Modern fire fighting equipment was supplied to all assembly centers, in many cases from the nearest town or city, and operated under the direction of experience firemen. Photo shows a unit of the Tanforan (California) Assembly Center Fire Department, manned by two Caucasian firemen and a group of evacuees, who were given training in fire prevention and allied work." SIGNAL CORPS PHOTO 9CA-42-2312-PSF
1942; 1943; 1944; 1945;
Scanned with Microtek Scanmaker 1000XL Pro; as a 600 dpi TIFF image in 8-bit Grayscale. Auto Level image processing applied and compressed into JPEG format using Photoshop CS3.
8 x 10 in.
filename: fla_album_020
oclc: 556259948
islandora: 62_184
Fire engines
Fire fighters
Firefighting equipment
Relocation camps
Forced migration
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945
Tanforan Assembly Center (San Bruno, Calif.)
World War II, 1939-1945--Japanese Americans
San Bruno
Flaherty Collection: Japanese Internment Records

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