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Image / Library Quarters, Hamburger Building

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Library Quarters, Hamburger Building
Alternative Title
Security Pacific National Bank Photo Collection
Date Created and/or Issued
Circa 1908
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
Title supplied by cataloger.
A. Hamburger & Son's People's Store, known simply as People's Store, was previously located in the Phillips Block at the intersection of Spring and Hill streets. The store later moved to the southeast corner of Hill and Eighth streets, and became known as Hamburgers; it was bought out by David May in 1923 and renamed the May Company. Other locations where the Los Angeles Public Library has been housed: 17 years in the Downey Block Building (1872-1889); 17 years in City Hall (1889-1906); 2 years in the Homer Laughlin Building (1906-1908); 6 years in the Hamburger Building (1908-1914); 12 years in the Metropolitan Building (1914-1926); 60 years in the Central Library Building* (1926-1986); *Closed to the public due to devastating fire (1986-1987); 6 years in the Los Angeles Design Center/Title Insurance + Trust Company (1987-1993); Central Library Building (1993-Present).
The "new" Library quarters showing the 320 feet frontage on Eighth St., and the 169 feet on Hill St (running along the lower right)., of the Hamburger Building. The library will occupy the third story after July 1, 1908. There is also a frontage of 300 feet on Broadway (not visible - behind the building), of which the library will have 28 feet. The Los Angeles Business College can be seen in front of The Hamburger Building, and the Los Angeles Desk Co. is visible behind. The Hamburger Building was home to the Public Library from 1908-1914.
1 photographic print :b&w ;20 x 25 cm.
Photographic prints
Security Pacific National Bank Collection
L.A.-Libraries-LAPL-Central Library-Early Buildings
Los Angeles Public Library
Hamburger Building (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Commercial buildings--California--Los Angeles
Department stores--California--Los Angeles
Libraries--California--Los Angeles
Streets--California--Los Angeles
Cityscape photographs
Downtown Los Angeles (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Time Period

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